Below includes a shorter version of my CV with clickable links. Download my Full CV


Purdue University — West Lafayette, Indiana

December 2019 - Present

Masters of Science in Electrical & Computer Engineering (Class of 2021)

GEM Fellow

Member of Eta Kappa Nu (HKN) — B Chapter

University of Rhode Island — Kingston, Rhode Island

August 2014 - May 2019

Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering and a Minor in Mathematics and Computer Science

LSAMP Scholar

Member of Theta Tau (ΘT) — ΣΓ Chapter

Technical Proficiencies

Research Experience/Interest: Internet of Things; Reinforcement Learning

Engineering Software/Devices/Tools: EAGLE; Git; JIRA; Trello; Multisim; Arduino; Intel Edison; Raspberry Pi; BLENano; FPGA; ESP32; Multimeter; Oscilloscope; Power Supply; Signal Generator; Soldering;

Data Science/Machine Learning Tools: Pandas; Numpy; Tensorflow Keras; PyTorch; Matplotlib

Programming Languages:Python; MATLAB; SPICE; C++; C; VHDL; Bash; HTML


The MITRE Corporation — Remote | McLean, VA

June 2019 - Present

Cyber-Physical & Mobile Technology, Electrical & Computer Engineering Intern

The MITRE Corporation, Remote

July 2019 - Present

High-Performance Computing, Electrical & Computer Engineering Intern

The MITRE Corporation, McLean, VA

June 2019 - August 2019

University of Rhode Island College of Engineering — Kingston, RI

March 2017 – May 2019

Wearable Biosensing Lab, Lab Research Assistant (sponsored by LSAMP)


Computer Organization: Web Controlled Dog Feeder

March 2018 - May 2018

Collaborated with a fellow Computer Engineer student to create Web Controlled Dog Feeder using a FPGA, Arduino, Force Sensitive Resistor, Continuous Rotation Servo, 3D printing, and lighttpd webserver.

Capstone Design: Smart PDU (sponsored by Acumentrics)

October 2017 - May 2018

Designed a Smart Power Distribution Unit with a team of engineers involving Raspberry Pi, Power Electronics, and LAMP Web Server.

NSF: Internet of Wearable E-Textiles for Telemedicine

September 2017 - May 2019

Collaborated with a team of engineers and textile designers to develop a family of Smart Wearables utilizing IoT and embedded systems to track data from Parkinson patients, while transmitting data for monitoring.

Wearable Internet of Things: UV Glasses

September 2017 - December 2017

Led a small team of engineers to construct a product with the functionality to receive UV light and transmit data to a user’s smartphone using UV sensors, Arduino Uno, Bluetooth Low Energy, and Android Studio.

Leadership Experience

Eta Kappa Nu (HKN) , Honor Society of IEEE – B Chapter

March 2020 - Present


URI International Engineering Program House

September 2017 - May 2018

Council Member

URI Computer Engineering Student Advisory Board

Spring 2016, 2017, 2018


National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)

September 2014 - Present

Purdue Chapter, Member August 2019 - Present

URI Chapter, Senator

May 2017 - May 2018

URI Chapter, Vice-President

May 2016 - May 2017

URI Chapter, Secretary

May 2015 - May 2016

Theta Tau (ΘT), A Professional Engineering Fraternity – ΣΓ Chapter

February 2016 - May 2019

Web Committee Chair

August 2016 - April 2018

College Crusade of Rhode Island


June 2014 - Present

Volunteer Experience & STEM Outreach

MATHCOUNTS, Exam Proctor, February 2020

Dranesville Elementary School Out the Box Day, Volunteer July 2019

RI Robot Block Party, Exhibitor, April 2019

All Saints Academy Outreach Paper Circuit Event, Presenter, March 2019

ELECOMP Capstone Design Program, Undergraduate Engineering Consultant January 2019 - May 2019

Academic & Textile Industry Networking Fair, Exhibitor, February 2019

IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Peer Reviewer, December 2018 - Present

Intro to Electrical Engineering (ELE 101), Undergraduate Teacher Assistant, January 2018 - May 2018

Computer Science 4 Rhode Island (CS4RI), Presenter, December 2017

RIse with STEAM at Quonset Air National Guard Base, Exhibitor, May 2017

Habitat for Humanity Flagler Beach, Volunteer, March 2017 SMILE (Science & Math Investigative Learning Experiences), Volunteer, April 2016

URI College of Engineering, Volunteer, August 2015 - April 2018

Honors & Awards

2019 Summer MITRE Hackaton, 3rd place, July 2019

MITRE’s CORTeX CTF 2019, 1st place, July 2019

GEM Fellowship May 2019 Dean’s List, Fall 2017, Spring 2018, Spring 2019

Saint Elmo Brady Award for Outstanding Achievement in Science, April 2019

NSBE Fulfilling the Legacy Scholar, March 2019

URI AR/VR Immerse-A-Thon 2019, 1st Place, March 2019

LSAMP Scholarship, March 2017

NSBE Certificate of Appreciation (New England Zone), October 2016

NSBE Outstanding Member of the Year (URI Chapter), April 2016

Gilman Scholarship, January 2016

College Crusade Scholarship, June 2014


Passed Fundamentals of Engineering Exam (FE), January 9th, 2020

The best way to reach me is through e-mail or a LinkedIn message.